CHIP is a complete health improvement program that covers all the essential elements of a healthy lifestyle.

lifestyle changes
The Complete Health Improvement Program (CHIP) is offered in community or organisational group settings supporting you in making fundamental lifestyle changes. These changes are, most importantly proven to lower disease risk factors within just 10-12 weeks.
Each program is 1 to 1.5 hours long and includes the introduction of key lifestyle medicine concepts, group discussion and depending on the program environment, physical exercises and cooking classes. Participants are encouraged to learn, explore and adopt new ways of living that will subsequently support optimum health. Learning resources include textbook, workbook, recipe book and facilitator support.
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lifestyle changes
lifestyle changes
lifestyle changes
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CHIP Complete Health Improvement Program. Margaret Turvin
Maryanne Turvin says the Complete Health Improvement Program changed her life.

“I’m on no medicine at 62… Last year I didn’t get sick at all, and I was under a lot of stress. For me not to get sick at all last year was amazing, and I’m seeing it again this year. My immune system has kicked in. This has made a big difference in my well-being”, says Maryanne Turvin.

Before participating in CHIP, Turvin says she had arthritis, neuroma (nerve inflammation), high cholesterol and she was told she carried a high risk for developing diabetes. Now, Turvin says her neuroma “cleared up” and so has her arthritis.

“My cholesterol is down almost 100 points without any medication, and my blood sugar went down greatly. All the things that people worry about as they age, I am improving on.”


What impact does CHIP have on the individual?

CHIP Impact
For participants at the highest risk after 30 days

19.8%  Total cholesterol (initial >280mg/dl)
16.1%  LDL cholesterol (initial > 190mg/dl)
44.1%  Triglycerides (initial > 500mg/dl)
19.9%  Fasting plasma glucose (> 125mg/dl)
3.2%  Body mass
10.4%  Participants with metabolic syndrome

SOURCE: Rankin, P., Morton, D. P et al. (2012). Effectiveness of a Volunteer-Delivered Lifestyle Modification Program for Reducing Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors. American Journal of Cardiology, 109(1), 82–86.

CHIP Impact
For participants at the highest risk after 3-5 years

6%  Total cholesterol (initial >280mg/dl)
2%  LDL cholesterol (initial > 190mg/dl)
27%  Triglycerides (initial > 500mg/dl)
6%  Fasting plasma glucose (> 125mg/dl)
3%  Body mass index
*67% Still compliant, with no follow-up

SOURCE: Kent, L., Morton, D., Hurlow, T., Rankin, P., Hanna, A., & Diehl, H. (2013). Long-term effectiveness of the community-based Complete Health Improvement Program (CHIP) lifestyle intervention: A cohort study. BMJ Open, 3(11), e003751.

CHIP Impact
Case study: Lifestyle Medical, CA

HgbA1C average start = 8.4; finish = 6.2
Average change = 2.2 = 25%


What impact does CHIP have on the individual?

CHIP impactThe impact of CHIP for participants at the highest risk after 30 days

19.8%  Total cholesterol (initial >280mg/dl)
16.1%  LDL cholesterol (initial > 190mg/dl)
44.1%  Triglycerides (initial > 500mg/dl)
19.9%  Fasting plasma glucose (> 125mg/dl)
3.2%  Body mass
10.4%  Participants with metabolic syndrome

SOURCE: Rankin, P., Morton, D. P et al. (2012). Effectiveness of a Volunteer-Delivered Lifestyle Modification Program for Reducing Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors. American Journal of Cardiology, 109(1), 82–86.

CHIP impactThe impact of CHIP for participants at the highest risk after 3-5 years

6%  Total cholesterol (initial >280mg/dl)
2%  LDL cholesterol (initial > 190mg/dl)
27%  Triglycerides (initial > 500mg/dl)
6%  Fasting plasma glucose (> 125mg/dl)
3%  Body mass index
*67% Still compliant, with no follow-up

SOURCE: Kent, L., Morton, D., Hurlow, T., Rankin, P., Hanna, A., & Diehl, H. (2013). Long-term effectiveness of the community-based Complete Health Improvement Program (CHIP) lifestyle intervention: A cohort study. BMJ Open, 3(11), e003751.

CHIP impactThe impact of CHIP Case study: Lifestyle Medical, CA

lifestyle changes

HgbA1C average start = 8.4; finish = 6.2
Average change = 2.2 = 25%


CHIP is flexible and interactive.

Our programs are offered in a number of ways. With virtual, in-person, and hybrid delivery options including live webinars and face-to-face interventions, it’s no surprise more than 7 out of 10 participants complete the program. Our on-line platform is supplemented with physical workbooks, lab results, and community connection.

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Do CHIP Online

Individuals limited by distance or time will appreciate the convenient access to Online CHIP. Programs are able to be viewed at a time that suits with small group meetings then regularly scheduled to provide support during the journey to improved health and lifestyle changes.

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Learn CHIP through an Organisation

Corporations, small businesses, educational institutions and health facilities are just some examples of organisations hosting CHIP for employees during lunch hour or after work sessions. This offers employers the benefit of having employees enjoy optimal health, while employees feel the benefits throughout their life both at work and at home.

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Attend CHIP in the Community

Many church and community organisations are able to conduct CHIP within their local community or friendship groups. Each community program is presented over 1.5 hours and is a time of exploration, sampling and support.

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lifestyle changes
Do CHIP with a Medical Practitioner

Dietitians, Doctors and Nutritionists are able to use CHIP within their practice to promote scientifically proven lifestyle practices and principles to medically treat many chronic health conditions. Practitioners are able to be fully engaged with their patient and to monitor closely their chronic and acute conditions as they adopt lifestyle changes. CHIP can be used with 1:1 consultations, or Shared Medical Appointments, with medical appointments being billed along with other care options.

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Frequently Asked Questions
  • 18 video sessions.
  • LEARN MORE textbook – additional information about topics covered in class.
  • LIVE MORE workbook – to encourage engagement with the program content.
  • EAT MORE cookbook – easy recipes that are delicious.
  • 2 Health Risk Assessments – measure your progress through CHIP.
  • Live facilitation within a face to face or online context. By taking your health journey with a CHIP Facilitator and fellow participants you will experience encouragement and shared learnings as you implement your lifestyle improvements.

CHIP was created to support lifestyle changes as individuals seek optimal health through preventing, arresting and reversing disease processes. However, it does not replace the care of your regular medical team. We encourage you to let them know you will be taking part in a CHIP program and will continue to visit them for monitoring of your relevant health needs, medications and treatments.

You’re right… diets really don’t provide lasting effect and yo-yoing can actually be more harmful than helpful. CHIP takes a different approach, helping you achieve lifestyle changes that provide lasting results.

CHIP is not a mandate of anything. We find that people who participate according to the schedule for their group get the best support and thus the best results. The question is, what results do you want to get?

CHIP is not a mandate of any specific dietary or lifestyle habits. In CHIP, you’ll learn what choices produce healthy outcomes and what choices tend to hinder healthy outcomes. You’ll also be exposed to and encouraged to try new things that contribute to a healthy lifestyle.

After being equipped with this knowledge and experience, you decide for yourself what health outcomes you want to achieve; then receive support in making the changes you choose to make to achieve your goals.

Nope! This is another area where CHIP is distinctly different from many weight loss and so-called health programs out there. The science shows a more effective way of improving health is to understand which choices and behaviours produce the best health outcomes and focus on those. When it comes to food, we look at energy density vs. nutrient density and guide you through making choices which provide high nutritional value without excessive calories. No counting of calories or carbs needed!

Yes! We encourage your family to join you on the journey to your best health. Many couples and families find that going through CHIP together brings them closer and provides for more fulfilling relationships long term. Even children are encouraged to join you on your health journey as the principles taught throughout the CHIP program will benefit family members of all ages. Often times family members are surprised to experience significant improvements in their own health, just by coming along to support their loved one!

Only paid participants will receive the materials and be able to participate in the online support calls directly, but your family is welcome to shadow and support you!

There is no guarantee of specific results. Results can vary. The Complete Health Improvement Program is based on proven scientific principles, and scientific research conducted on the program has shown its effectiveness in managing lifestyle diseases.

However as all participants apply these principles to their respective lives in the comfort of their own homes, outcomes will vary. People who experience the best outcomes are the ones who are thorough in applying CHIP principles.